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Sort of a long day. High-variety with brilliant white shell.

Suitable for fresh consumption and canning. Prolonged storage

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Many extractive variety, very good resistance to strelkuvane for year-round production. Dark green color. Excellent durability after harvest.

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A perennial plant, reaching a height of 2 m. Forms head with edible core 7 -15 cm. This vegetable improves fat metabolism and liver function;stimulates metabolism.

Sowing: Before sowing the seeds are soaked for 10-12 hours in water.Seeds are sown late February early March in warm rooms at 20-25 degrees C. After germination can be grown at 12-15 degrees C. end of April, beginning of May transplanted under the scheme 70x70.

Direct sowing: mid May 2-3 pcs. Seed distance 70x70. She loves bright, sunlit shelter from the wind. Regularly watered and nurtured. In the first year will make it 2-3 heads. Following years 10-12 pcs.

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Perennial used as a vegetable, herb and decorative purposes.

Seeds are sown late February early March in warm rooms at 20-25 degrees C.

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Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a perennial plant of the family. Kremovi.Korenovata system asparagus has developed a powerful rhizome, which consists of thick, long, white roots and many fibrous roots. At the top of the thick roots are buds from which spring form stabla.Stablata fleshy asparagus, while the soil is white, juicy, tender, thick 1,2-2 cm. Once grow above the soil surface the stems turn green, coarsen, branching is strong and reach a height of 1.5-2 m.

The leaves are dry flakes that do not matter for acclimatization process. The seeds of asparagus are black, angular, sometimes flattened or round.
Succulent young stems, for which asparagus called "candles" are valuable dietetic food rich in proteins, carbohydrates and various vitamins. Fresh, canned or frozen candles are used to prepare various dishes and salads.
Asparagus withstand very low temperatures, but best grow and develop at a temperature of 12 to 25 ° C.
It is demanding to moisture and tolerate drought, but for obtaining high and quality yield of candles is necessary to maintain a constant moderate soil moisture.

Large requirements her to the ground. Very suitable for growing asparagus is a deep structural relatively light sandy loam soil with high organic matter content, low groundwater. it should be grown in a place well lit by the sun and protected from the wind.

Ένα λαχταριστό μακρύ αγγούρι για καλλιέργεια κυρίως σε εξωτερικούς χώρους, αλλά και για θερμοκήπια. Καρποί μήκους 30-35 cm με σκούρο πράσινο χρώμα....
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Phaseolus vulgaris L. Early variety with a growing season of 65 days. There are long, non-fibrous, purple pods. The pods turn green when cooked....

Flat beans, twisted, green Very early variety with fast growth. Suitable for the earliest indoor sowing and for fast outdoor production. Size: 22-24...
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Lodi is a Dutch medium early, low, high yield variety.

The plants are about 48 cm high.

The flowers are white, fairly large, located in the upper zone and closed.

Pods are flat and 15-20cm long.

The seeds are white, large. Shape in longitudinal prerez is elliptical.

The variety is resistant to lodging, high temperatures and regular mosaic.

Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

Seeds from April to July for harvest from July to the end of October.

Sow after danger of frost passes and the soil temperature is 12C.


Flat green beans with yellow peppers for cultivation of the land.

Upright plant with a height of 50 cm, many silno.Chushkite are almost identical quickly acquire distinctive yellow and slowly fade.

The average size of a pepper are 15-17 cm long and 2 cm thick.

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It is intended for fresh consumption and canning. Plants are tall around 45- 50 cm.

The flowers are white, fairly large, located in the upper zone and closed. The peppers are flat and long 8- 12 cm.

The seeds are white. Shape in longitudinal prerez is elliptical.

The variety is resistant to lodging, high temperatures and regular mosaic.

Type: year

Exposure: sun directly Sowing: April-July

Harvest: June-October

Sowing rate: 1000-1200 g / m2 100

Fruit size: 8 12 cm Yield: 100-120 kg / 100m2

This variety of beans is without a face. The peppers are fleshy, tender and long. Highly productive variety with excellent taste. It can be used both for...


Very strong early, high yield variety, suitable for processing by picking meters. July superb durability of camping.

Round tuber, with deep red coloring, healthy foliage.

Strong against strelkuvane particularly suitable for machine picking.

Suitable for fresh market and processing and storage.

Akela RC is suitable for sowing of m. In March

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New hybrid ideally suited for growing under high temperatures and dry climate

- Hybrid round of roots suitable for fresh market and storage.
- Foliage - very well developed, well fixed with a little "face" and dark green color.
- The roots are round, with a very fine tail. - Their color is dark red, and the cover skin on their heads is smooth and very thin.
- Superb taste, the interior is also a beautiful carmine color is preserved when cooked.

- Ran hybrid - roots are ready for harvest about 50 days after sowing.

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Round, high quality tuber, particularly smooth skin and intense coloring. Suitable for both fresh market and processing. Earliest harvest - from...
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Very productive hybrid aligned heads for fresh consumption and prerabotka.Podhodyasht early seitba.Dobra resistance strelkuvane.Mnogo dark red core without white rings.

Vegetation 115 days

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Quick hybrid for early production, suitable for planting in late spring and summer for fresh market and ties.

The bulb is smooth, round saturated, intense red color and taste very good.

Strong and healthy foliage, strong against disease.

Withstand warm growing conditions.

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Τυπική ποικιλία κατάλληλη για καλλιέργεια σε ατσάλι-γυαλί, θερμοκήπια πολυαιθυλενίου και σε εξωτερικούς χώρους, παρουσιάζει καλή πλαστικότητα σε αγχωτικές...
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Καθοριστικό, υψηλής απόδοσης, πρώιμο, μεγαλόκαρπο υβρίδιο σε συνδυασμό με εξαιρετική δυνατότητα μεταφοράς (LSL). Ισχυρά, καλά φύλλα, προσαρμοστικά φυτά, που παρέχουν υψηλό ποσοστό μεγάλων και ποιοτικών καρπών. Πλακωμένοι στρογγυλοί καρποί με ελκυστικό κόκκινο χρώμα σε μέγεθος 250-300 g, χωρίς πράσινο δακτύλιο. Πολύ καλή γεύση. Εξαιρετικά ανθεκτικό σε: Vd: 0 / Fol: 0-2. Ανεκτικό σε: TYLCL. Η Bethany F1 μπήκε γρήγορα στην ελληνική αγορά, ξεπερνώντας την Troy F1 με την καλύτερη μεταφορά και αποθήκευση μετά τη συγκομιδή.

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High-yield hybrid broccoli with particularly good results in warm planting and picking conditions from late May to early September. With a vegetation...


Akuiles is a new, fast growing market share hybrid suitable for early spring and late autumn production. Vegetation period 60-70 days after transplanting. Month of harvest - from June to October, depending on the timing of sowing. Akuiles not form cavities in the stem. Plants are compact, which allows cultivation with greater density of the crop. Their heads are round, weighing 400-600gr . Blooms are fine with saturated green color. Well tolerated higher rates of nitrogen fertilization. Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 4750 veg / ha.

The best compromise between precocity, quality and yield!

Early hybrid for fresh consumption, for production in summer and early autumn. It tolerates stress conditions well and is reliable for production in high...
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AYRANMEN (Ironman F1) Seminis (2500 seeds)

Early, high yielding hybrid, suitable for fresh consumption and freezing. Plants are extremely resistant to heat. It forms large, dense heads with blue-greenish color. Does not form a hollow stems. Large heads and narrow handles make Ayranmen easy to store. Forms beautiful and clean stems. Tolerant of bacterial diseases and external stressors. A production in late autumn, the hybrid defies antotsianovo effects (pigmentation of the head, different from the characteristic of the hybrid).
Weight of heads: 350-750 grams
Vegetation period after transplanting (days) depending o f the season:
  • Spring - 81 days
  • Fall - 64 days
  • Summer - 73 days
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Malibu F1 is a broccoli hybrid that combines high yield and quality. At an optimum temperature of 20 - 25 ° С. It does not form cultures. Forms compact...
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Globally recognized standard for the production of broccoli. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Easy to grow with very good ductility under different climatic conditions. Formed heads with weight 500-700 gr ., With a very good market appearance.

Vegetation period 80-90 days after transplanting. Month of harvest - from October to November.

Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 3700 veg / ha

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A medium early hybrid for production in summer and autumn. Montop is a vigorous hybrid for fresh market and processing. Color: Dark green Size:...


Broccoli Naxos (Naxos F1) Sakata Hybrid early autumn growing vegetation period 75-80 days after transplanting. Heads were weighing 400-600 g, dark green, highly domed packed florets. Naxos F1 is the most tolerant of high temperatures hybrid market. Suffers high rates of nitrogen fertilization without forming a large percentage of hollow stalks. Naturally lively, easy to grow, Naxos F showed good results both in cooler and in warmer of September. It gives good OUTCOMES and organic farming. Not recommended for early spring cultivation. Vegetation period: 75 - 80 days Weight of heads: 400-600 c.

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Parthenon F1 is selected based on Marathon F1, but with 4 -5 days longer growing season. Since its introduction in 2006. He quickly took the lead in the production of broccoli.

Transplanting period - from June to July
Vegetation period - 85-95 days after transplanting. Month of harvest - from October to November.
Plants form a strong root system, excellent results in dry and wet weather conditions moderate need fertilizing with nitrogen. Compared with Marathon is more resistant to stress factors, gives less side branches, not forming voids in the shank and the head antotsianov hue. Very good storage after harvest.

Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 3300 veg / ha.

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Late hybrid with vegetation 95 - 100 days after transplantation for November - December harvest if climatic conditions allow. The heads are compact,...

Excellent quality of heads for the fresh market, good balance of plants, long time keeps quality in the field The name of the variety (hybrid):...

New broccoli of the company Hazera.Very early and high yielding.Vegetation 65-70.Suitable for growing in greenhouses and outdoors.Recommended sowing...
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Segment: Medium

Maturity: 72-78 DAT, slightly earlier to Parthenon

Plant habit: Vigorous, no side-shoots

Weight: 500 g

Head shape: Big, dome shaped heads

Beads: Fine and uniform

Head colour: Dark green

Cultivation period: Autumn (winter)

Closest Sakata variety Parthenon F1


Sliding production with Parthenon at same transplanting date possible.
Double purpose: Fresh Market and Processing Industry.
Very good shelf life.

No side-shoots.

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Brussels sprouts are grown through seedlings. As it has a long growing season, its seeds should be sown in April in open beds or in cold greenhouses. The...
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Medium late variety (vegetation period 155-165 days). Suitable for staged harvesting. The plant grows to a height of 110 - 125 cm. Forms a dark green...
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Νέα ποικιλία γαλλικής υβριδικού τύπου αγροτικής ντομάτας με υπέροχο ροζ χρώμα. Ντομάτες της γιαγιάς , θυμίζουν χωριό.
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Butter head salad, suitable for growing in the spring and autumn seasons. The head is dark green with an average weight of 350-450 g. It has high resistance...

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The most common hybrid in Eastern Europe. It can be grown by anyone, anywhere.

• There is a slightly flattened head with beautiful, traditional forms.

• Very popular market for fresh consumption tion, as well as for processing.

• Suitable for processing into sauerkraut as a whole heads and cut.

• Powerful plant, well tolerated hot and dry growing conditions.

• Excellent tolerance trips.

• Chapter no splits.

• Easy to cut due to high stalk.

• The average maturity period of 115 days.

• Recommended planting density: 70x50 cm processing (Chapters weighing 5-6 kg) or 60x45 cm for fresh consumption and storing (Chapters weighing 2.5-4 kg). The smaller heads are better suited for storage

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Variety suitable for early proizvodstvo.Podhodyasht for fresh pazar.Vegitatsiya SNI 60-65 after transplanting.

Very strong root system to ensure high yields under different conditions Probably the most productive variety in this segment,

The head is round, weighing 2-3 kg soft konsistentsiya.Ustoychiv cracking.

It recommended for growing outdoors.

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• Panen winter hybrid with improved taste the quality. (Winter cabbage)

• Increased resistance to cold.

• Very good uniformity of heads.

• Belikolepen taste.

• Excellent round and dense structure of the head


Variety is suitable for spring and summer production. Vegitatsionen period of spring production - 55 days,

Vegitatsionen period of summer production - 60 days. The plant is a compact medium size, weight up to 1.5 - 2 kg shape of the head is round. Used for fresh consumption. Variety is resistant to Fusarium.


Medium early to medium late hybrid 95-110 days.

Color - blue-green. Weight - 3-3.5 kg. Extraction - up to 10 tons / ha.
Regular shape of the head, a high content of sugars.
Good adaptability to climatic conditions.

Planting densities - up to 4500 veg / ha.

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BUCHAREST (Bucharest F1) Seminis (2500,10 000 seeds) Medium early hybrid, suitable for medium early and late field production. Plants are strong growth, form a dense, round heads with blue-green color and thin leaves. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning. With an average mass - 3 - 3.5 kg. Vegetation period is 80-85 days. High tolerance: Fusarium and black rot. Weight of heads: 3 - 3.5 kg Vegetation period: 80-85

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Cape Horn is the world's first hybrid hot kale. It is the cabbage with the best aromatic and flavor qualities of any other white cabbage the market has to...
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Is a cabbage from Taki seed breeding all year round. The hybrid reaches maturity 75 days after transplanting. Resistant to fusarium, and temperature...
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• Early cabbage with vegetation 65-70 days after transplanting; • Round and dense head, weighing 2.5 to 4.0 kg, depending on the planting density; • Can...
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The newest variety of cabbage from the selection of Beyo in the category of early and medium production. The most productive variety in this segment....
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Conquistador is the only remaining hybrid in the leaves of the jacket with unrestricted growth (such as Grandelem and Tenacity) that means it continues to...
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Very early hybrid - 55 days. Round and compact head 1.1-1.4 kg. Slightly plant very well upright heads. Medium densities light green on the outside and...
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Early cabbage ready to be harvested 55 days after transplantation. Can be seen throughout the year from early spring to late autumn. The head is round...
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Strong plant giving good results in early planting. Vegetation 55-60 days after planting. Completely closing the head. Blooming blossoming resistant, crack...
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Early variety for early and medium early spring production. Fruits Small (55-60 cm in diameter), compact, semi-upright rosette. The...
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Super-early hybrid, suitable for spring production under cover and undercoat. The vegetation is 42-52 days after the planting. Forms completely round heads...
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Hybrid suitable for summer and autumn production with vegetation 83 days after transplanting. Forms a round to slightly flattened head shape weighing 3-4...
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38.00 35.50
New variety for fresh market and industrial production. For basic and second culture. Can collect at 1.5 - 2kg. on the 80th, 90th day after the planting,...
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Large-fruited, high yielding hybrid, suitable for medium early and late production with market orientation as fresh and sour state. Vegetation period 75-90 days after transplanting. Good transportability, although extremely delicate inner leaves. Formed round, with very robust roofing sheets heads weighing 3.5 - 4 kg. Outstanding combination of presentation and taste very good storage after harvest.

Weight of the head : 3.5 - 4 kg.

Growing season: 75-90 days
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Suitable for summer production. Vegetation period 80-95 days. Month of harvest - from June to October, depending on the timing of sowing. Formed a compact with beautiful green heads with weight 2.5 - 3 kg .

Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 4200 Rast / ha.

New early hybrid of the Dutch company Semenis with vegetation 53-57 days after transplantation. Makes nice compact green heads weighing 1.5-2.0 kg,...
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New Syngenta hybrid variety suitable for open production for early, mid-term and late production, as well as for processing. The fruit reaches 3 kg after...
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High-yield hybrid for autumn production, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Vegetation period 80-90 days after transplantation. It forms...
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New early cabbage with vegetation 50-55 days.Suitable for early fresh market. Forms round heads weighing 1.5-2 kg and fresh green. The hybrid is remarkable...
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• A dense and compact structure of competitors in the market. • The weight of the head surpasses the other super early hybrids. • Possibility for...
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Late, high yield

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Hybrid suitable for fresh market and processing. Very plastic hybrid with vegetation about 90 days after transplantation. Round head shape weighing...
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Strong plant giving good results in early planting. Vegetation 55-60 days after transplanting. Tight closure of the head. Slow flowering hybrid, resistant...
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Monroe F1 is a specially created hybrid for fresh consumption, mainly for supermarket chains. Suitable for early and late autumn production. It forms...
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Intermediate variety for late and pre-season Efficient growth, suitable for most weather seasons Dark green leaf for a long time in the field...
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Full-fledged hybrid hybrid. Vegetation period47 - 57 days after transplantation. Month of harvest - May - June. Forms round heads with an attractive glossy...
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Popular early white cabbage for fresh consumption. Vegetation 61 days. It forms compact hard heads of short stems with straight outer leaves and very good...
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White headed cabbage for medium early production with aging 65-70 days. Blue green round to semi-round head superior taste. Average head weight 4.5-5 kg.
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Hybrid with the most flexible growing period: for early, medium early and late production. Tolerance of bursting and suitable for harvesting everywhere...
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Fast growth, improved field strength circular shape 1.3 - 2.1 kg. Early white cabbage for growing in tunnels and outdoors. 60 days for a fresh market.
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The newest hybrid of Beyo's earliest cabbage. The variety has a growing season of 48-50 days indoors and 50-58 days outdoors. The variety is easily...
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Suitable hybrid red cabbage for medium early and late production. Vegetation period 65 - 73 days after transplantation. Excellent blended color, shape,...
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High- yield hybrid suitable for medium-early and late Polish production. Vegetation period 70 - 85 days after transplantation. Month of harvest -...
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It is a hybrid destined for pickling but also for fresh consumption. Harvest maturity is 70-75 days after transplanting with head round, slightly flattened,...
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Srednoran hybrid, highly adaptive suitable for summer and early autumn production.

Vegetation period 75-90 days after planting, depending on the period razsazhdane.Formira leveled round heads weighing about three kilograms.

Highly tolerant to fusarium and bacterial gniene.Ustoychiv high temperatures alternative Haypu hybrid.

SuPrim Vanguard F1 is a unique hybrid that provides good results for both spring and autumn harvesting. Suitable for fresh consumption, cooking and...
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Tο Caramelo F1 είναι ένα ημι-πρώιμο υβρίδιο σούπερ γλυκό καλαμποκιού (Sh-2). Η περίοδος ωρίμανσης είναι 61-65 ημέρες από τη στιγμή της...
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Well-known hybrid type Nantes. Early - vegetation period from sowing - from 95 to 100 days, depending on the density of the plants. Very balanced, round, saturated, beautiful orange color inside and out. Carrots are the same and smooth, medium length - 19-21 cm. They have very good taste. The hybrid is not affected by soil type and disadvantages. Recommended for fresh consumption, but is also suitable for freezing. Excellent for baby food. Carrots are healthy, not broken, and are suitable for mechanical harvesting.

Recommended sowing rate: carrots weighing up to 50 grams. - 450000-500000 age. / Ha and carrots weighing 50 to 150 grams. - 200000-220000 age. / Ha.

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New hybrid carrots, type Nantes. Very early - growing season - 85-90 days. Forms strong and healthy roots with straight, blunt tip.

The fruits are smooth, with a length of 18-20 cm and a diameter of 2-3 cm. The
carrots have very beautiful orange color, excellent taste and aroma.

Bilbo F1 is resistant to cracking, making it one of the best hybrids in early carrots.

Suitable for early production. It can be used for tethering connections even 75 days.

Recommended sowing rate - 150 000 Rast / ha.

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Nantes type srednoranen until late hybrid. - Great indoor and bright orange color.

- Excellent sweet taste.
- Production is leveled, resistant to long storage.
- Resistance and alternaria leaf mold.
- Vegetation period - 100-110 days.
- Suitable for outdoor production - for spring sowing (March), and sowing summer (June to July).
- Foliage - a powerful flush in the face.

- Roots - uniform shape, smooth, cylindrical length 18-20sm., Without a green ring resistant to cracking.

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Mid early hybrid type Nantski.Vegetatsionniya period is 110-115 days after germination. Plants are powerful and growing upright foliage. The roots are bright orange exterior and interior color, cylindrical, flush and smooth with a length of 19 - 20cm. The production is suitable for both fresh consumption and for processing and storage

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89.00 80.00
Medium-breed variety. Vegetation about 100 days. It is distinguished by outstanding root crop quality, uniformity, rich orange color and excellent...


seeds of carrot KARVEYO (Carvejo F1) Seminis (100,000 seeds)

New high yielding hybrid type Nantes. Vegetation period 90-95 days. The roots are uniform, smooth, cylindrical shape, with deep orange and blunt tip. The length of carrots in technological maturity is 20-22 cm. Diameter and 2-3 cm. Carrots are dense and heavy, resistant to cracking. The hybrid is suitable for selling links and fresh consumption.

Length of roots: 20-22 sm
Growing season: 90-95 days
Recommended sowing rate: 150 000 - 200 000 plants per hectare
Fraction: 1.6 to 1.8



KIND: F1 hybrid carrot (Daucus carota L.)
TYPE: Nantes
MATURITY: Early to mid (warm season: 90 – 100 days from sowing; cool season: 110 – 120 days from sowing)
SOWING SEASON: Year round (trial in specific areas to determine adaptability)
DIMENSIONS: 16 – 22 x 2.0 – 3.0 cm
COLOUR: Dark orange
CARROT SHAPE AND TIP: Cylindrical with blunt tips
TOP HABIT: Very strong with erect foliage
TOP HEIGHT: 25 – 30 cm

TOP COLOUR: Dark green

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An early hybrid, a native type.

- Exceptional agronomic plasticity - can be grown on any soil type.
- Vegetation period 80-85 days.
- Strongly developed, upright, intense green leaf, gently fastened - mechanized harvest.

- Beautiful shape and color of roots with a length of 17-18 cm.


High-yielding, hybrid varieties. Natski standard type face, strong leaves tolerant of alternaria. Many healthy cylindrical roots, intensely colored, sweet and juicy, suitable for camping. It recommended for year-round production and storage.


Early variety carrots Relations and washing weighing 50 to 150 grams. The period of development in winter cultivation is about 90 days. Period of sowing in southern Europe- from October to December, and in Northern Europe- from January to late April. Recommended density of sowing winter crop: 1.0 -1.6 million seeds per hectare and summer posev- 1.2 -1.6 million seeds per hectare. The shape of carrot is cylindrical, with a length of 18-22 cm. Very slim, slender and smooth carrot with early color dismemberment of the fetus. Uniform in length, shape and diameter. Nice, moderately sweet taste pleasantly crunchy raw. The leaves are strong, dark green, healthy, tall and of medium length. Ideal for spring and early summer cultivation. Attractive appearance and excellent storage. Late winter breeding for Southern Europe and early summer in northern Europe.

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The recommended and professional preferred hybrid

- Nantes type.

- Dark orange root color. - Gentle consistency. - Possibility of long storage. - Excellent resistance to disease. - Vegetation period 120-125 days. - Suitable for primary and late crops - sowing in March and June-July. - Seated, a powerful leaf, suitable for mechanized harvesting. - Excellent production - flat, cylindrical roots - 18-22 cm without a green ring. A homogeneous external and internal color, which is preserved until the end of storage, never cracks.

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Suitable for spring and summer production. Vegetation period: 100-110 days. Package 5 g , 50 g Fruits...
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Very good selection of the Nantes type with long and smooth root crops. Recommended only for fresh consumption and short storage. Root plants are highly...
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Vegetation 91 days. Gives lightly pointed root crops with good internal and external color. The leaves are strong, dark green. Different fractions.
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• Medium late native-type hybrid • Vegetation period up to 130 days. • Great for long storage. • Medium sized foliage. • The roots are smooth, 20-22...

It combines robust leaf apparatus, high resistance to Alternaria and powdery mildew, high yield, evenness and high taste.
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Very early hybrid, native type

- The best combination of early harvest, yield and quality
- Roots - 18-20 cm, dense, but gentle consistency, no green ring.
- Dark green, not very powerful, tightly attached leaf.
- Suitable for early spring and late summer sowing.

- Presto F1 is the episode of early vision

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Saturn is a new early hybrid of HM.Clause type "Nantes". Highly productive variety, suitable for sowing in early spring, as well as for summer and late...
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