

Akuiles is a new, fast growing market share hybrid suitable for early spring and late autumn production. Vegetation period 60-70 days after transplanting. Month of harvest - from June to October, depending on the timing of sowing. Akuiles not form cavities in the stem. Plants are compact, which allows cultivation with greater density of the crop. Their heads are round, weighing 400-600gr . Blooms are fine with saturated green color. Well tolerated higher rates of nitrogen fertilization. Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 4750 veg / ha.

The best compromise between precocity, quality and yield!


Globally recognized standard for the production of broccoli. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Easy to grow with very good ductility under different climatic conditions. Formed heads with weight 500-700 gr ., With a very good market appearance.

Vegetation period 80-90 days after transplanting. Month of harvest - from October to November.

Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 3700 veg / ha

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Broccoli Naxos (Naxos F1) Sakata Hybrid early autumn growing vegetation period 75-80 days after transplanting. Heads were weighing 400-600 g, dark green, highly domed packed florets. Naxos F1 is the most tolerant of high temperatures hybrid market. Suffers high rates of nitrogen fertilization without forming a large percentage of hollow stalks. Naturally lively, easy to grow, Naxos F showed good results both in cooler and in warmer of September. It gives good OUTCOMES and organic farming. Not recommended for early spring cultivation. Vegetation period: 75 - 80 days Weight of heads: 400-600 c.

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Parthenon F1 is selected based on Marathon F1, but with 4 -5 days longer growing season. Since its introduction in 2006. He quickly took the lead in the production of broccoli.

Transplanting period - from June to July
Vegetation period - 85-95 days after transplanting. Month of harvest - from October to November.
Plants form a strong root system, excellent results in dry and wet weather conditions moderate need fertilizing with nitrogen. Compared with Marathon is more resistant to stress factors, gives less side branches, not forming voids in the shank and the head antotsianov hue. Very good storage after harvest.

Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 3300 veg / ha.

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Late hybrid with vegetation 95 - 100 days after transplantation for November - December harvest if climatic conditions allow. The heads are compact,...

Excellent quality of heads for the fresh market, good balance of plants, long time keeps quality in the field The name of the variety (hybrid):...


Segment: Medium

Maturity: 72-78 DAT, slightly earlier to Parthenon

Plant habit: Vigorous, no side-shoots

Weight: 500 g

Head shape: Big, dome shaped heads

Beads: Fine and uniform

Head colour: Dark green

Cultivation period: Autumn (winter)

Closest Sakata variety Parthenon F1


Sliding production with Parthenon at same transplanting date possible.
Double purpose: Fresh Market and Processing Industry.
Very good shelf life.

No side-shoots.

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Cape Horn is the world's first hybrid hot kale. It is the cabbage with the best aromatic and flavor qualities of any other white cabbage the market has to...
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Conquistador is the only remaining hybrid in the leaves of the jacket with unrestricted growth (such as Grandelem and Tenacity) that means it continues to...
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Super-early hybrid, suitable for spring production under cover and undercoat. The vegetation is 42-52 days after the planting. Forms completely round heads...
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Large-fruited, high yielding hybrid, suitable for medium early and late production with market orientation as fresh and sour state. Vegetation period 75-90 days after transplanting. Good transportability, although extremely delicate inner leaves. Formed round, with very robust roofing sheets heads weighing 3.5 - 4 kg. Outstanding combination of presentation and taste very good storage after harvest.

Weight of the head : 3.5 - 4 kg.

Growing season: 75-90 days
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Suitable for summer production. Vegetation period 80-95 days. Month of harvest - from June to October, depending on the timing of sowing. Formed a compact with beautiful green heads with weight 2.5 - 3 kg .

Recommended sowing rate for optimal plant growth and maximum yield - 4200 Rast / ha.

Marloo F1 is the latest Sakata hybrid, selected on the basis of Tenacity, but significantly more suited as seed and head size. It forms large heads with a...
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Monroe F1 is a specially created hybrid for fresh consumption, mainly for supermarket chains. Suitable for early and late autumn production. It forms...
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Full-fledged hybrid hybrid. Vegetation period47 - 57 days after transplantation. Month of harvest - May - June. Forms round heads with an attractive glossy...
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Suitable hybrid red cabbage for medium early and late production. Vegetation period 65 - 73 days after transplantation. Excellent blended color, shape,...
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High- yield hybrid suitable for medium-early and late Polish production. Vegetation period 70 - 85 days after transplantation. Month of harvest -...
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SuPrim Vanguard F1 is a unique hybrid that provides good results for both spring and autumn harvesting. Suitable for fresh consumption, cooking and...
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Castor is a hybrid suitable for processing, with a medium power habit and very well protected heads. Typical for autumn harvesting on cool nights, ie....


Concept resist excellent summer heat and emerged as a new standard in the early autumn flower production zele.Sazdaden to satisfy the demand of supermarkets in premium production concept quickly established itself and is a preferred hybrid prerabotvatelite.Formira dense, heavy, fully samozavivashti is snowy white heads with excellent presentation and taste kachestva.Vegetatsionen period 85-90 days after razsazhdane.Preporachva is early autumn, but successfully cultivated and later production.

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Incline F1 is suitable for late autumn growing with vegetation 90-100 days after transplanting. Forms powerful plants with large, erect leaves that...
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Malaga is a great choice in your harvesting plan right after Concept - after mid-September to mid-October. It forms large, dense and very heavy , pure...

Merton is a hybrid of warm day and cool night and is suitable for post-concept harvesting from late September to early November. Forms large, solid and very...
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An early hybrid of Chinese cabbage with a head weight of up to 2.5 kg. Fruits are dense and tender. The yield of a hybrid is very high. It has a...