Fito Semilas

Fito Semilas
High-yield hybrid for autumn production, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Vegetation period 80-90 days after transplantation. It forms...
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Srednoran hybrid, highly adaptive suitable for summer and early autumn production.

Vegetation period 75-90 days after planting, depending on the period razsazhdane.Formira leveled round heads weighing about three kilograms.

Highly tolerant to fusarium and bacterial gniene.Ustoychiv high temperatures alternative Haypu hybrid.


High-yielding, hybrid varieties. Natski standard type face, strong leaves tolerant of alternaria. Many healthy cylindrical roots, intensely colored, sweet and juicy, suitable for camping. It recommended for year-round production and storage.

Flat fruit with a length of 32-34 cm. Slightly ribbed with evenly intense green color and regular shape. Very good post-harvest storage. The plants are...
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Classical hybrid type suitable for year-round greenhouse production. Strong, robust, highly adaptable, open-habitat plants abundantly fruiting throughout...
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Fruit with classic shape and colorful fruit color hybrid, suitable for spring-summer greenhouse and field production. Open plants, medium-sized habit,...
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Ran, classic hybrid suitable for greenhouse and field production.

Strong and healthy plants with good adaptability to both low and high temperatures to providing good fruiting throughout the growing season.

The fruits are thick heavy, very well aligned weighing about 600 grams, with shining dark violet

.Lesen To harvest without bodlichki on the handles of the fetus.

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Ran hybrid type Pirouette, suitable for greenhouse production.

Healthy living plants with an average growth rate and average short internodes, well leaved, with abundant fruit set throughout the period of fruiting .

It recommended for growing two branches.

Immature fruits are light green market, saturated, bright red color at full maturity, with an average weight of 130 grams. In size 15-18 x 6-8 cm.

Resistant HM: 2.

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An excellent choice for spring and summer proizvodstvo.Za fast beridba.

This variety is becoming the benchmark for high standard with its flush fruit and high yield.
Compact, well balanced plant.

Fruits are aligned, perfectly cylindrical and grow

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Early, large-fruited hybrid with fast growth rate, with compact short internodes and well-leaved plants, suitable for spring greenhouse production. Forms...
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Ποικιλία μακράς ημέρας με στρογγυλό κεφάλι, με μέσο βάρος περίπου 230 γραμμάρια, κίτρινο-καφέ (χρώμα μεταλλικό-χάλκινο) φλοιό και πυκνή λευκή σύσταση....
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