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Early hybrid, featuring a high yield and quality plodove.Zdravo compact plant producing 10-15 fetus.

Not polyaga.Silno developed root system, which is a prerequisite for the sustainability of the plant to soil pathogens.

Fruits are black and shiny with a weight of up to 1 kilogram.

Suitable for growing outdoors and in greenhouses.

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Classical hybrid type suitable for year-round greenhouse production. Strong, robust, highly adaptable, open-habitat plants abundantly fruiting throughout...
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A new high yielding hybrid eggplant with a growing season of about 60-70 days after transplanting. Strongly growing hybrid and very well nourished in the...
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ЛВ189.48 ЛВ181.62

Early and very productive hybrid with a unique white color plodovete.Malki mezhduvazliya.Moshtna root sistema.Plodovete oval conical size 8h18 mass 300-400 gr.Mnogo ednorodni.Bez gorchivina.Mozhe be grown both outdoors and in greenhouses. necessary plants per acre - 2000-2500

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Black glossy fruits weighing 300 to 400 grams. Dense well covered from the barb without the spines. Very good storage resistance - solid and solid....
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Medium early variety, with up to 1.2 m tall, slightly branched stems. Vegetation period 125 days. Package 2 g , 5 g , 50 g...
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Medium early hybrid, suitable for growing in polyethylene greenhouses and in the field. The fruits are oval about 15 cm in length and 10-12 cm in...
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High-yielding, hybrid approved!

Early, ripens about 50 days after planting.
Powerful plant with oblong-oval fruit.

Cultivation outdoors, but well tolerated and growing under cover

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Suggested seed quantity, 10-25 gr (230-250 seeds per gr). It is proposed to plant 2100-3300 plants per hectare in outdoor cultivation and 3000-4000 plants...
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Early variety with vegetation 42-45 days from seedling. Classic drop type with a distinct black color, with very few seeds and almost no spines. Solid fruit...
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The new selection of Enza.Otlichni results outdoors, suitable for

indoor production. Fruits are a typical form of eggplant very
dark high gloss 20x9 cm was created as a successor to Bonika F1, the plant
is significantly stronger and feed more and larger fruit. Extremely

flush production.

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Medium wound suitable for early and medium early production. There are dark lawns with a length of 20-25 and a cylindrical shape.
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Very early hybrid, providing equalized output with excellent quality.

- Suitable for greenhouse production, but well presented and outdoors.
- Plants are healthy, high, open habit.
- The fruit is a dark purple color and high gloss.
- The shape is cylindrical, slightly elongated to 25 cm.
- Weight is 250-300, while the diameter of fruit - 6-7 cm.
- The flesh is pale yellow with very fine taste and almost no seeds.

- Production is an attractive presentation.


Extreme precocity leading to incredible yields.

Plants with short internodes producing shiny black fruits even in adverse conditions.

With the nice shape and good storage.

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- Medium early hybrid, suitable for cultivation in the open and under cover.

- Plants have a powerful habitus, compact foliage and short internodes.
- Fruits are egg-shaped, slightly elongated, with a beautiful black violet color and high gloss. Weight is 350-400 grams, the length is 18-20 cm, 7-8 cm diameter.
- The flesh is very dense, but soft texture without seeds and bitterness.

- Excellent keeping.

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Super early cultivar with 40 days of planting. Classic drop type fruit, almost no seeds, no bitterness. Fruit length 16-20 cm. Dark black color, regardless...
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Fruit with classic shape and colorful fruit color hybrid, suitable for spring-summer greenhouse and field production. Open plants, medium-sized habit,...
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Oval shape and white color. Medium early hybrid, suitable for growing in a greenhouse and outdoors. Medium-sized living plants without thorns. The...
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Early variety, new breeding. For greenhouses and outdoor production. Vegetation about 45 days from seedlings. Classic shape, no spines, sweet taste. Very...
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Ran, classic hybrid suitable for greenhouse and field production.

Strong and healthy plants with good adaptability to both low and high temperatures to providing good fruiting throughout the growing season.

The fruits are thick heavy, very well aligned weighing about 600 grams, with shining dark violet

.Lesen To harvest without bodlichki on the handles of the fetus.

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Hybrid variety. Late production cycle. Excellent for fresh consumption and processing. Eyelash white-purple color. Fruit length 20 cm, diameter 8.5 cm,...
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Very early, strong hybrid. Ripens about 40 days after transplanting.

Range - in the open and under cover.
Fruits are round, oval dimensions: length 15-18 cm, 8-10 cm.
Inside - light color, contains no bitterness.

High yield - up to 15 fruits per plant.

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Γρήγορη ποικιλία με βλάστηση 50 ημέρες μέχρι την καρποφορία. Φυτό μέτριας ζωηρότητας γενεσιουργού τύπου. Χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλή παραγωγικότητα...
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Υψηλής απόδοσης, πολύ πρώιμο υβρίδιο.      Περίοδος βλάστησης 50-60 ημέρες.      Οι καρποί είναι οβάλ-επιμήκης...
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Ένα νέο υβρίδιο μελιτζάνας από την Enza Zaden. Υπέροχα φρούτα που εντυπωσιάζουν τόσο τους καλλιεργητές όσο και τους καταναλωτές. Μια πολύ...
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